
Year Six

Autumn Term

Parents can help their child by…

Spelling, reading and times tables practice should be done throughout the week.

Spellings will be set on Monday to be tested on Friday. Literacy homework is set on a Friday and is due in on Monday.  Numeracy homework is set on a Friday and is due in on Monday and will often be MyMaths.

The ‘MyMaths’ website provides many Beat the Clock activities which the children can use to improve their mental maths skills.

Parents can help children by asking questions which encourage the children to ‘read between the lines’ for the answers in their reading books.

Children will be given a ‘Topic Homework Menu’, which relates to cross-curricular topics throughout the half term.  They are to choose at least one activity from the menu.  Children will be informed of the deadline for Topic homework and the deadline will be posted on the Year 6 website page when it has been finalised.


Core Subject areas



The two main topics to be covered in the first half term are ‘The Story of the People of God and ‘Followers of Christ’. The children will develop their understanding of the structure of the Bible and will consider the ways in which people answer the call of Christ today. After half term we will learn more about Advent and how Christians prepare for and celebrate the feast of Christmas.


During the first half term, children will study Biography and Novel as a Theme, through exploration of ‘Robinson Crusoe’.

During the second half term, children will study Classic fiction, through exploration of texts such as Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Poetry (songs and lyrics) and Persuasion.


Children will cover a range of topics including: knowing and applying multiplication and division facts to 10x10; expressing quotients as fractions or decimals; finding common multiples; working with percentages and working with fractions. Their Numeracy skills will be applied in a range of ‘real life’ contexts.


The development of ‘Scientific Enquiry’ skills will be the main focus this term, through topics which include: ‘Adaptation and Evolution’ and ‘Light’.   The children will plan investigations by identifying variables, ensuring ‘fair testing’ and accuracy throughout, whilst collaborating in small groups or working independently.

Environment – Evolution and Inheritance

  • Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
  • Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.
  • Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.


Light and Astronomy – How Light Travels

  • Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines.
  • Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye.
  • Explain that we see things because the light that travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes.
  • Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.

This Term’s Topics

The topics this year are cross-curricular.  The children will learn a variety of skills from all subject areas.

Survival! - This topic’s lead subjects:

  • Science (see above).
  • Geography – developing a variety of skills including Locational Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography, Use of ICT/Technology, Mapping and Communication


Britten’s Got Talent - This topic’s lead subjects:

  • Music – developing a variety of skills: Listening, Knowledge and Understanding, Performing, Creating and understanding of musical terminology (Pitch, Duration, Tempo, Timbre, Texture, Structure and Dynamics).
  • Science (see above)