
Year Two

Autumn Term

Parents can help their child at home by…

- Reading with their child every night.

- Practising spellings every night and putting their weekly words into sentences. When doing this, children should be encouraged to practise cursive handwriting.

- Helping their child to learn the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times table.

- Practising number bonds to 10 and 20.


Old Testament Stories and Prayers – The children will develop an insight into the stories and the characters of the Old Testament. It will also introduce them to the important images of God found in the scriptures.

Sharing in the Life of Jesus – The children will extend their knowledge and understanding of the life of Mary and Jesus and the call of the disciples. They will also learn about some saints who have responded to the call of Jesus.

Special Celebrations – This unit will help children to gain a better understanding of the Liturgical year as a celebration of the life of Christ. The children will also learn about Baptism and Marriage as special sacramental celebrations.

Advent – The children will develop their knowledge of the time, symbols and characters of the Season of Advent. The unit will focus on Advent being a season of preparation for Christmas through the story of John the Baptist and parish activities.


The children will be learning about stories with familiar settings and enjoying stories from the Katie Morag series. We will be working on developing a range of sentence types including the use of adjectives, adverbs and also learning how to use a wider range of punctuation. The children will begin to sort their ideas into paragraphs.

The children will go on to write non-chronological reports based on the place where they live. They will be taught to include subordination using because and so. They will also begin to learn about different forms of sentence – statements, questions and exclamations.

After October, the children will be studying Traditional Tales with a Twist, The children will be able to create story maps or plans with the events in order. They will also learn how to use compound sentences and subordination. By the end of the unit, the children will be able to create their own story based on a familiar tale.

The children will also learn how to structure a set of instructions. They will be able to recognise the structure and language features of an instructional text and express a view clearly as part of a class or group discussion. By the end of the unit, the children will write their own instructions for a playground game. This will involve learning to use commas in a list and identifying and using appropriate verbs.






The children will read and write numbers to 100 in figures and words, count on and back from multiples of 2, 5 and 10, recall addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20, recall doubles and halves of 2-digit numbers, add a single digit number to any 2-digit number and identify number patterns on number lines and 100 squares. The children will learn to apply their number skills to a variety of contexts including word problems.


Identify 2D and 3D shapes in different orientations and begin to describe them, compare and sort common 2D and 3D shapes, order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects, describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns, estimate the length and height of familiar items using standard units, tell the time using o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and recognise coins and amounts of money.


Autumn 1 – The Place Where I Live

This topic has a History and Geography focus. The children will be learning about the local area, its landmarks and our position in the UK.

The children will:

  •          Recognising the distinction between past and present.
  •          Identifying some similarities and differences between their own present and aspects of the past.
  •          Understand historical concepts and use them to make simple connections and draw contrasts.
  •          Recognise that their own lives are different from the lives of people in the past by describing some of the topics, events and people that they have studied
  •          Use maps to locate human and physical features.
  •          Investigate the local area by observing and describing.

Autumn 2 – Fighting Fit

This topic has a Science focus. The children will be learning about animal survival and growth and how humans grow and stay healthy.

The children will:

  •          Notice that humans have offspring which grow into adults.
  •          Find out about and describe the basic needs of humans, for survival (water, food and air).
  •          Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
  •          Medicines can be useful when we are ill.
  •          Medicines can be harmful if not used properly.



The children will go swimming on Tuesday mornings and will begin to learn to use a range of strokes effectively. They will also be developing their gymnastic skills by learning to perform a range of actions with increased control and coordination.

In the second half term, the children will begin to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching and will go on to apply these in a range of invasion games.



In the first half term the children will cover a unit called Collecting Clues. They will be challenged to send and reply to emails and will learn how to use the internet safely.

After half term, the children will be learning to take, review and edit photographs. They will select their best images to include in a shared portfolio.