At St Mary’s, it is our intention, to develop the necessary spoken language, reading, and writing skills so that children express themselves creatively and imaginatively, and communicate with others effectively. We strive to ensure that all children are equipped with the essential tools to become enthusiastic and independent learners, whilst at St Mary’s and beyond.
- to speak clearly, fluently and confidently to a range of audiences
- to listen to, understand and respond to other people
- to join in group discussions
- to participate in a range of drama activities
Children at St Mary’s are taught to speak clearly, fluently and confidently to a range of audiences. All adults in school model Standard English and have high expectations when conversing with children so that pronunciation is accurate. All children are given regular opportunities to participate in a range of discussions and performances such as, assemblies, masses, poetry performances and presentations to parents and other year groups. This helps children to develop their listening skills, give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives whilst also asking and responding to questions posed. At St Mary’s, we strive to give children the tools to become eloquent individuals, who can confidently express their ideas and opinions.