
School Nurse Information

Birmingham School Health Support Service


The Birmingham School Health Support Service (BSHSS) will be delivered by two teams operating from Church Lane Health Centre in Stetchford (covering the North and East of the City) and Lansdowne Health Centre (covering the South, Central and West) – see map below.


The Operational Manger for BSHSS will oversee operations across both teams, whilst the Clinical Lead will oversee the specific clinical elements of delivery for the service.  Each team will be led by a Team Leader and Practice Teacher.  The wider team will include the appropriate skill mix of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHNs), Community Staff Nurses (CSNs), School Health Assistants (SHAs) and service administrators.

Each team will be aligned to Birmingham’s ten districts (five districts per team) which will ensure integration with key services that operate on these footprints, including Birmingham Forward Steps (BFS) and Early Help Hubs.


The service will be operational between the hours of 8am and 6pm.  The introduction of the Duty Nurse role will provide a single point of access into the service with a dedicated phone number for referrals, advice and guidance.  We will continue to accept electronic referrals using our established referral protocol.


Young people aged 11 years upwards will continue to be able to seek help from ChatHealth text messaging service and we will be implementing a new advertisement strategy to promote this service even more with young people.


We are in the process of developing a new Smartphone Application (App) . This App will act as a point of access providing information on the service to CYP, schools, parents/carers, other agencies and the wider community along. There will be a signposting facility to a range of other services relating to CYP health across Birmingham. The App will be interactive, offering quizzes and activities to young people to improve their knowledge of health and wellbeing. This App will also allow BSHSS to communicate advice and guidance that may be topical or seasonal in nature, for example how to recognise and what to do in circumstances of a measles epidemic.


BSHSS will continue to work closely with schools around the following areas:-

  •          Medical Needs, to include medical needs care plans; medical needs training for school staff and poor school attendance related to health.
  •          Safeguarding and Early Help
  •          Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, to include holistic health assessments for this target group
  •          National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP)


New initiatives for primary schools will include:-

  • On-line weight management resources and  social media support groups for families of children identified as overweight from the NCMP
  • Twilight medical needs sessions for school staff in a district setting
  • Lunch time training sessions for medical needs for support staff



New initiatives for secondary schools will include:-

  • The re-introduction of drop in sessions for senior schools
  • Year 7 assemblies and introduction letters for all those entering Year 7
  • A community based clinic for all those transitioning to secondary school
  • Year 9 assembly on the topic of “Taking care of your health”
  • Parental contact with all young people in year 11 who have additional health needs which require planned care from BSHSS.
  • Twilight medical needs sessions for school staff in a district setting
  • Lunch time training sessions for medical needs for support staff




We are no longer commissioned to provide an audiology service or emotional health work.  We will still be able to identify emotional health issues as part of our health assessments, offer first line advice and refer on to an appropriate agency, but we will not be undertaking any planned programmes of care for emotional health.


We will make links with the local authority and voluntary agencies to provide on-going support to those who do not always attend school or are classed as vulnerable.  These groups include:-

  • Home educated
  • Travellers
  • Migrants and Asylum seekers
  • Those under the remit of the Youth Offending Service


We will keep you updated with the formation of the teams and telephone numbers and the introduction of our new initiatives.


In the meantime if you have any questions please contact either:-

Rukshana Ali – Operational Manager.  rukshana.ali@bhamcommunity.nhs.uk

Telephone number: 07540673877

Janet Savage – Clinical Lead.  janet.savage@bhamcommunity.nhs.uk

Telephone number: 07703380624